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Ticket Hash: ea1b7f9ad7122aa9f0851c829f268f4eb2c71e70
Title: Emails in archive mode
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: UNSPECIFIED Priority: 3_Low
Subsystem: Archival_Frontend Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2013-01-04 14:22:03
Version Found In:
Given archive mode, define a metadata schema for email messages stored as one file per message in RFC2822 format, then write tooling (perhaps as a separate egg) to do the following:
  • Import an mbox file of messages
  • Import a message via SMTP (called from a .forward)
  • Provide an IMAP interface to a read-only virtual folder tree, indexed by people mentioned in the message, subject line, message-id, and date.

If possible, decode the MIME hierarchy of a message and store each bit as a separate file, thereby making attachments easily extractable and deduplicated and so on.

If you slide a copy of all your incoming and outgoing email into that, you'll have an epic email archive!